The LPC (Laurel Pregnancy Center)

Partners in Offering Help & Hope

If pregnancy wasn’t part of your plan—or abortion is a part of your story—we’re here for you.

LPC Services

High Quality. Confidential. Absolutely Free.

Pregnancy Confirmation

The LPC provides physical, spiritual, and emotional care as you determine what to do. Our services are offered free of charge to you in a confidential, non-judgmental, and caring environment. We provide peer-to-peer counseling with a Care Coach, a pregnancy test, and nurse consult during your first office visit. 

Care Coach Support

 You can speak privately to a Care Coach about your needs and concerns over the phone prior to an on-site visit if you wish. Our goal is to listen to you and to offer you life-giving support.

After-Abortion Care

Nearly everyone agrees that the choice to end a pregnancy is an enormously difficult one to make, yet few community resources exist to address the emotional turmoil women and men may experience afterward. Our post-abortion recovery program provides a confidential way for women and men to work through their feelings and find healing, individually or as part of a small group. 

Parenting Class

This series of classes is designed to educate and support expecting and new parents. Qualified community professionals provide instruction in a safe, comfortable group setting where parents are encouraged to learn, share, and ask questions. The three stage format is designed to walk a couple through their pregnancy and beyond.

Material Assistance

We also recognize that life is messy and sometimes you find yourself in a place where you just need help. If you are a parent who already has a baby, and/or small child and you are in need
of material assistance, we are here for you too. We are able to offer you some diapers and
wipes to assist with your urgent need. We can also get you connected to some other resources
who can assist with other material needs, such as clothing items, formula, cribs, strollers, etc.

The LPC Difference

The LPC is a different kind of pregnancy resource center. We know that every pregnancy is unique and that there are no easy answers. That’s why we listen first—because we want to get to know you and your story, no matter how messy it is.

Our Care Coaches will partner with you and learn from you before speaking into your life or offering advice. No pressure, no guilt trips, no one-size-fits all solutions. At The LPC, we offer high-quality confidential services from paraprofessionals who are committed to caring for you. Because you are worth it.

All of our services are free and confidential, so please don’t delay in getting the help you need. 

Ready to meet your Care Coach?

Our Care Coaches are here for you. Specifically You. They are your partner, your advocate, your person. They care deeply about what you are going through and simply want to help. No hidden agenda. No politics. No strings attached.

Our Clients’ LPC Experience

“I thoroughly enjoyed my time here. Despite being scared and overwhelmed, LPC feels like a safe space. I am grateful to have such an amazing resource nearby that I can come to for answers and directions. Although I do not have all of the answers that I need, I feel more equipped in figuring out next steps. Thank you very much for your service, compassion, understanding, and expertise.”

“Everyone was great, I learned great information, was encouraged positively, and I recommend this place to many other women around the world. Amazing staff!”

“The staff was very pleasant and showed kindness and concern. I feel like I have a Christian family I can talk to when I have a concern.”

“I am really satisfied with the staff. Everyone is so nice and kind, ready to help, wonderful place. Great place.”

Learn more about who we are and what we do

How much are your services?

They’re free! All of our support services are offered free of charge because of the generous financial contributions and donations of our partners. (If you wish to learn more about donating to the LPC, please visit our Donate page.)

I am undecided what to do if I am pregnant. Will I get information on all of my options?
Absolutely. We are committed to giving women full disclosure information on abortion, adoption, and parenting. Every woman’s situation is unique, and she deserves to know all the facts so she can make an informed decision. We do not believe in withholding information from women in the decision-making process.
How old must I be to receive your services?
There are no requirements of any kind. All clients are served without regard to age, race, income, nationality, religious affiliation, disability or other arbitrary circumstances.
Can I get an abortion at your facility?

We do not recommend, refer or provide for abortions. We offer pregnancy tests and a sonogram to confirm a pregnancy as well as information about abortion procedures.

Do I need to schedule an appointment?

To provide you with excellent care we encourage you to schedule an appointment. We accept walk-ins if there is an availability in the daily schedule. We have a variety of morning, afternoon and evening appointments as well as some weekends. Please give us a call at 301-776-9996 for an appointment.

I live too far away. How can I find a good pregnancy center near me?

Contact the Pregnancy Decision Line at 1-866-281-3029 and they will find help for you in your area.

Call us at 301-776-9997 to schedule your confidential appointment.


Partner With The LPC

The LPC would not be possible without our partners. Whether it is by giving, serving, or praying, we are grateful for each and every person who chooses to invest in the LPC. We have several ways for you to partner with the LPC. 

Have questions? Let's get in touch.