When someone calls asking for help, usually one of their concerns is about paying for care. What a beautiful opportunity it is for us to respond, “There is no charge for services. It’s free to you because someone else is choosing to cover your costs.”

We are able to respond in that way because of partners like you. What a simple yet powerful picture of the Gospel! Your generous gifts bless and demonstrate God’s abundant goodness and grace. Free. Unqualified. Unexpected. Extravagant.

The budget needed for 2024 – 2025 is $500,000. Each year, the Center’s financial needs are met through the faithful partnership and donations of individuals, churches, and local organizations in our community. The LPC is a compassionate response to the Greater Laurel community, and our partners make everything the Center does possible.

Consider making a recurring monthly donation. These gifts help the Center plan for our next steps.

We are grateful for your financial gifts and partnership!

If you want more information about gifts of stock or estate planning gifts, please contact us at 301-776-9997 and ask for the Director of Engagement & Fundraising.

Donate Material Items

The LPC helps new moms and dads welcome their newborn with a large gift bag filled with the essentials a little one needs. These gift bags are made possible through in-kind donations such as gifts of diapers, wipes, and brand new baby items. You and your group can purchase items or host a drive to fill our gift bags. Gift bags include new items of:


infant outfits
receiving blankets

baby toiletries
quilts or blankets

We’ve created an Amazon wish list where you can purchase items like these and send them straight to the LPC. Thank you for helping support the Center in this simple but much-needed way!

Baby Bottle Campaign

Hosting a Baby Bottle Campaign is a great and easy way to raise support for the LPC as a group! Hand out empty bottles and challenge your group to fill it with change, cash, or check. We will provide you with empty baby bottles; we are also happy to come and visit your group to share more about the LPC. You can choose how long you’d like the campaign to last and we can arrange to pick up / drop off the baby bottles. 

Select the LPC as Charity of Choice on AmazonSmile

If you shop on Amazon, making a simple switch to is an easy way to support the LPC! Follow these instructions to set up your AmazonSmile account and choose the LPC as your charity of choice. 

If you have any questions or need help troubleshooting, please reach out