Prayer is what helps us remain focused on God, dependent on His leading, and trusting in His plan. Prayer allows us to join together as a community lifting up praise for God’s activities and entrusting to God the joys and sorrows and burdens we hold for ourselves, others, and The LPC’s mission. Prayer keeps us anchored to God and His movement.

Prayer moves us from a place of being sustained to a place of flourishing. We invite you to join as partners in prayer

LPC Prayer and Updates

Sign up for our monthly email where you’ll receive prayer requests and praise updates.

Laurel Pregnancy Center--Prayer Updates

We Are Closed

for the Holidays!

The LPC is closed on Thursday and Friday in celebration of Thanksgiving. The center will open again on Monday. If you need to speak to someone immediately, please call 301-776-9996. We are available by phone.

If this is an emergency, please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.

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